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Antique furniture restorer in Bologna Lorenzo Garuti Restorer

From a young age I have always been fascinated by the magical word of antiques. My initial attraction was sparked by the frequent visits to watch my grandfather tolling away in his curious little workshop in Bologna.
Memories of him tinkering with bottles containing mysterious potion will last with me forever. His hands were his tools and they revealed the telitale signs of his profession. In particular, his nails always appeared to have a yellowish hue and l could never understand why. The reality is that this was the colour of shellac.
In those times the Restorer was only responsible for working on the woodwork, with the Polisher completing the job to a high standard and with immens patience. Nowadays the story has changed somewhat, as a modern Restorer is expected to be multi-skilled and therefore capable of starting and completing the entire restoration on their own. After having undertaken years of professional courses and workshops alongside a skilled Restorer as my mentor, this is where my own story begins. I decided to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-employment, resulting in the creation of a bespoke antique restoration business.

Lorenzo Garuti.


When the state of the movable storage permits, the recovery movable retaining its patina.


On this page you will find a rich Photo Gallery of the works executed by Lorenzo Garuti Restorer.

Photo Gallery

Discover the Restoration services we provide to our customers, in Sasso Marconi and in the Province of Bologna.


Useful to get to our shop in the center of Sasso Marconi, and a handy map.


All numbers and contact information quickly Lorenzo, and also a form to complete.


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LORENZO GARUTI RESTORER in BOLOGNA of Antique Furniture - via Castello, 11 - Sasso Marconi BOLOGNA.
mail: - cell: 3382536039

Company - P.Iva: 03343111203 - Date Entry in the Company Register: 18/02/2014 - Number R.E.A. n° 512319

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