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I specialise in restoring furniture from the Renaissance period to the first half of the twentieth century. It is important to me that every individual piece is treated with the utmost respect, returning it to a place of authenticity and originalty, whilst preserving any previous restorations if they adhere to its historical makeup.

I adopt traditional methods, where possible, when working on a restoration.
For example:

  • the use of aged or reclaimed wood,
  • natural adhesives that are reversible without damage,
  • the use of shellac during French polishing,
  • the preservation of the original patina.

As a precautionary measure, I am able to reconstruct missing parts and apply gouache/gilding. Gouache/Gilding is a tecnique consisting of the application of gold leaf or imitation gold leaf, or alternatively, silver leaf for gilding in the 'mecca' style.
Using the wood turning technique I am able to reconstruct missing parts such as onion feet, pedestals, knobs and wooden vents.


Lorenzo Garuti.


When the state of the movable storage permits, the recovery movable retaining its patina.


On this page you will find a rich Photo Gallery of the works executed by Lorenzo Garuti Restorer.

Photo Gallery

Discover the Restoration services we provide to our customers, in Sasso Marconi and in the Province of Bologna.


Useful to get to our shop in the center of Sasso Marconi, and a handy map.


All numbers and contact information quickly Lorenzo, and also a form to complete.


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LORENZO GARUTI RESTORER in BOLOGNA of Antique Furniture - via Castello, 11 - Sasso Marconi BOLOGNA.
mail: - cell: 3382536039

Company - P.Iva: 03343111203 - Date Entry in the Company Register: 18/02/2014 - Number R.E.A. n° 512319

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